Friday, June 1, 2007

Happy June 1st

June is here and so is the sweet weather. It's currently 14 degrees in Inuvik and it is supposed to get up to 20 with nothing but sun (no seriously, the sun doesn't set anymore so I'm in the midst of 24-hour daylight) for the weekend. I've been working on a phenology project for the past few days (basically looking at the blooming of various trees across the region) and I have managed to travel down to Tsiighetchic a couple of times now.
The hamlet is actually located across the river and is only accessible by boat and because of the ice break-up the ferries have been docked, however the ferries are starting to run tomorrow so that means that the road to Dawson is now open. Hopefully I will get a chance to visit sometime this summer. The route to Dawson is the famous Dempster Highway. An all-weather (thus unpaved), year round road. It's supposed to be a great drive.

This week there has been a meeting of the region's renewable resource officers at the bunkhouse. A couple of them (Andy who hails from Parry Sound but is the officer for Fort MacPherson and Ian the officer from Aklavik) are staying at the bunkhouse so I have some company until Tuesday. There is also a cook for the meetings, so I've been mooching on leftovers for the week., excellent!! The meeting are mostly legislation and a refresher for each of the officers. However, there was a fitness component on Wednesday and I got a chance to take part. I'm proud to note that in the three laps of the obstacle course, I set the best time of 2:47 with the next best time coming in at 3:00. I soon got the nickname rabbit from one of the older guys... Here is a picture from the strength part of the course (dragging a simulated bear carcass):
Tomorrow there is some time at the shooting range and then a BBQ, so I get to tag along and perhaps work on my sharpshooting skills.

Looks like I am also playing softball this year and I am the new statistician for the Inuvik Slo-Pitch League. That's definitely going on the CV!

I have also decided that having no MSN is good for the soul. I am much too reliant on technology as it is, so phasing out a small part of it is a very good thing. My previous reaction is simply a reflection of this dependence that I need to wean myself off. Checking e-mail twice a day and the occasionally blog posting is about it and it is very refreshing.

As the final note, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to my friend Matt Chiasson back in Ottawa. He's turning 21 and unfortunately I won't be there to celebrate. Hope it's a good one!



Anonymous said...

Thanks G.K.

It was a good day/night. We went to Patty Bolands and watched the game and drank for like 8 hours. Fun time, too bad you werent there to pay for everything... Oh well, next year perhaps...

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