Monday, May 21, 2007

Victoria Day Weekend and Video Revolution

So some people might be wondering if I do any work here given that my last two posts have been about watching hockey games and cheering on the Sens. Well as a matter of fact I do. Very little at times, but work none the less. Actually this past weekend I decided to go out to my field site just north of Inuvik on East Channel. However, although the ice isn't really melting yet, enough of the river further south has melted that it pushes water all the way north and there is mechanical breakup (or at least that is the official sounding name that I was told) on the edges of the river. So for safety reasons I decided to helicopter out. It's kind of cool to have a helicopter at your disposal.

The trip was delayed until Sunday as the helicopter needed some repairs (just fills you full of confidence when they say that..haha). I had arranged to have one of the guys who works at the forest management base come out with me but he was a no show. Sometimes that happens in this town...and the fact that it was a long weekend. I'm sure he was just sleeping in. Wink. So in my prudence I decided to go out alone. The helicopter would drop me off and then pick me up when I called them in with the sat phone after I was finished.

This is one of those situations where after you get back you think about all the reasons you shouldn't have done what you just did. I mean the site isn't all that remote but the helicopter had to drop me about 500 m from the actual spot where I was sampling and it was kind if cold (-4 or so) so I guess it would have created some drama if something did happen. Oh well. Nothing did and here's the blog posting to prove it. I know some people just wanted some drama. Maybe later in the summer.

I also want to dispel some rumours that there are actually no trees here. This is specifically for a couple of roommates, who may or may not be reading:
Well boys...looks I found some trees. Guess I won't be back early!

So basically the whole point of the trip was to collect some tree cores. Which I accomplished with little to no problem.

I've had the chance to ride in a number of helicopters over my time doing fieldwork and the whole experience isn't all that new, but I though the viewers at home might like to see a landing in action so I made a video (which I have recently learned to include in this blog) to give you an indication:

Take off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its interesting how you mentioned its a Bell Helicopter because I am currently working on a project for Bell Helicopters, its for the Bell 407 though.

Looks there