Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Not too much to report over the last week or so.

On July 4th the research equipment I was waiting for finally arrived...without everything I needed. I think I am cursed. I just got a message today that another box had arrived. Hopefully this is the one I actually need to put this out of my mind for a bit.

I was recruited to run the graveyard shift of an experiment we were running in the forest around the base here and thus worked from 8 PM to 6 AM on Saturday morning. It was still 20 degrees at 11 PM but dropped quite quickly all the way to 9 at 4 AM. Bugs were pretty heavy. There's really no way to explain them (I tried a video to capture the noise they make, but I don;t think it worked too well) other than to be here in the middle of it. The dragonflies are at their peak right now and they eat mosquitoes so that's a bonus.

The weekend was pretty boring and the softball game on Sunday was cancelled because there weren't enough people around. I guess that is common on Sundays with good weather.

This week has been exceptionally hot (29 degrees yesterday at 5 PM) and the base is on red alert (isn't that a classic song from the Somewhat Average days? Anyone?) for fires. That means everyone needs to be ready to go in 5 minutes. Quick action. Maybe some lightning today which could mean a smoke patrol for me. More flying...

Missed the all-star game, but was able to catch the home run derby. Good showing by Alex Rios. I guess they didn't even put him in until the 9th last night though...strange. Not enough playing time for everyone I guess.

Maybe there will be more interesting news later this week.


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